Day one of PAX East has brought us some pretty interesting news, as happens from time to time. Today we learned that not only is there a remake of the NES classic DuckTales, but it is coming this summer! That’s only a few months away! Now watch this trailer and get a song you haven’t heard in 25 years stuck in your head.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=G6d1A2row6I&w=760]
Various sources – like Polygon – mention that although the platformer has been tweaked to be easier than the original, you can certainly set an option to make turn the game back to that dastardly hard jerk of a game we all know and love.
Beyond just the visual upgrade, there will be extra goodies and an online leaderboard because according to international law you have to have those in all games now.
Oh, and you can swim in the vault. What more do you want?
Developers Wayforward plan to release DuckTales Remastered on PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii U on their respective online services, and you won’t need a tower full of gold coins (that may or may not get stolen from time to time) to buy it because it’ll only cost $15. The title will be published by Capcom.