Hardmode.org is a site where video game marathons occur. Just playing games would be boring, though, wouldn’t it? In addition to simply beating the ever-loving hooha out of video games, we like charities. Now, you might think that charities and rocking video games have nothing in common, but you’d be wrong, sir. These two things are connected in the fact that they are both awesome. Basically what we do at our events is this: working to raise awareness and funds for various charities, we set aside a day or three (our longest event so far was 72 hours) to marathon a series of games. While this is happening, there are live streams of the game and our drowsy but excited faces on the site, as well as live chat. It’s a blast, honestly, and we enjoy every bit of it. Past event recaps can be viewed here, and photos from some past events can be found here, here, and here. When there are no events going on, we like to pretend to be a normal gaming site. Contact: staff@hardmode.org
These guys had the idea to put together this site.

Garret has been playing games since the wee age of 4, when his family bought a NES. While no one knew then, he’d grow up to be a well rounded gamer; just what parents want.

Joe at one time had an epic mane and a beard that could be woven into a carpet. Today he sports a more streamlined aesthetic, but his wild roots remain the same. Joe is attempting to get his masters through brute force, kicking doors open as he goes.

Justin also finds himself right in the middle of a masters degree. Working day and night to find the lost city of El Dorado through the confines of Javascript and C++, he labors on, one variable at a time.