If you haven’t made up your mind about Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, the RPG developed by Level-5 in collaboration with Studio Ghibli, then this might push you to a decision. You now have until August 31 to pre-order and get some sweet bonus goodies above the normal pre-order goodies.
Before we get to the items, the developers are taking a page out of the Kickstarter manual, and using the power of fandom, they will add more items to the Wizard’s Edition haul depending on how many order from ClubNamco.com. The deadline is, as already stated, August 31, so blindly sign up now before you even know what you are getting!
If you made it to this paragraph before pre-ordering, then here is what you can get so far for $99 that you can pre-order anywhere (as far as I know):
- 300+ page hardback physical copy of the Wizard’s Companion, the spellbook Oliver uses throughout his journey in the game. The full-color Wizard’s Companion contains a bestiary of all the creatures found in the game along with in-depth item descriptions, spells and history of the other world.
- The limited-run Wizard’s Edition will also contain a plush doll of Drippy, Oliver’s guide through his adventures,
as well as exclusive “golden mite” and “golden drongo” DLC familiars.
The press release looks like this:
SAN JOSE, Calif., (June 29, 2012) – Leading video game publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc. today announced that it will be releasing a limited-run Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – Wizard’s Edition alongside the standard version of the game on January 22, 2013 in North America exclusively for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system. Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, an epic tale of a boy name Oliver travelling between two worlds on a quest to save his mother, is developed by the critically acclaimed Japanese development studio, LEVEL-5. The game features animations and cut-scenes produced and supervised by the legendary Japanese animation company, Studio Ghibli, and features music scored by the world-renowned composer Joe Hisaishi.
The Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – Wizard’s Edition will include a 300+ page hardback physical copy of the Wizard’s Companion, the spellbook Oliver uses throughout his journey in the game. The full-color Wizard’s Companion contains a bestiary of all the creatures found in the game along with in-depth item descriptions, spells and history of the other world. The limited-run Wizard’s Edition will also contain a plush doll of Drippy, Oliver’s guide through his adventures, as well as exclusive “golden mite” and “golden drongo” DLC familiars. The Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – Wizard’s Edition has a MSRP of $99.99 and is available for pre-order now, exclusively at www.clubNAMCO.com for a limited time.
Garnering over a dozen BEST RPG of E3 2012 award nominations and winner of GameTrailer.com’s BEST RPG of E3 2012 award, Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a heart-warming tale of a young boy named Oliver, who embarks on a journey into another world to become a wizard in an attempt to bring his mother back from the dead. Along the way Oliver makes new friends and tames many of the wonderful creatures that inhabit the world, raising them to battle other creatures on his behalf as he takes on formidable enemies.
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch will be available January 22, 2013 in North America and will include both English and Japanese voiceovers. For more information about Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, please visit: http://www.namcobandaigames.com. To pre-order your copy of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch – Wizard’s Edition, please visit; http://www.clubNAMCO.com.
We don’t have any idea of what they will add when they get tons of pre-orders, but you don’t want to miss out either way. Ni No Kuni releases on January 22, 2013. SO FAR IN TO THE FUTURE.