Added to the page today was a widget provided by that will essentially run all of our donations. It’s totally secure, using either Paypal or credit card for donations. We have it set up right now to donate directly to Child’s Play, none of the money gets even close to our hands, so you can be sure that all donations get to their intended recipients.

The service is currently running and ready to go. If for some reason you feel like donating right now instead of waiting, by all means go for it. What we have not fully settled on is the target amount, so if you see that number change then it’s only because we’re tweaking and editing things. In fact, we may actually change the amount as we go, to reflect milestones in amounts. For example, we might set the first goal to be $100, then if we hit that, we adjust the amount up to the next milestone of $250, etc. But only after doing something fun for hitting the $100 mark. There will be more information on that later.

And finally, we’ve updated the About page with some new pictures, check ’em out!

Thanks for all the support so far; as I write this we’re down to 16 days and 23 hours before the event goes live. We hope to see you all there when we launch!